Union Lies

Is the union lying to potential membership or misleading? The short answer is that it is the same thing to the union. Whatever gets the potential member to believe is what the union will do.  Union lies and deception are abundant. There have been numerous rulings from the NLRB over the years that basically support the right for the union to spread misinformation because basically the person should know that the union is nothing more than a propaganda machine. Telling the people what they want to hear is part of their strategy. 

What are the lies and deception? Anything….. free healthcare, raises every year, raises for every year of employment, defined benefits pension plans, more vacation time, forcing management to communicate “nicely”, more sick time, more, more, more… get the point? The union organizers are trained to play on people’s hopes and dreams and create the illusions. If the people are emotional, even better for the organizer. Play on the emotions, exploit the emotions, broaden the illusions and hopes and dreams and of course the perception becomes even more of a reality. 

So while the company and the management/ leadership team follow the legal requirements, which is not to promise people anything or mislead the employees, the union plays by their own rules. Create the illusions and after it is over, the employees cannot hold the union to anything it promised. Are the employees hiring an attorney to sue the union based on a promise? Probably not and the union knows it. 

Education of the employees becomes a necessary element for your company. The cost of education is extremely small compared to the cost of having a third party that just deceived and created illusions and now the employees and the company are trapped. The ROI for education is immense. As a comparison, who would you rather talk to children about illegal drug use, the drug dealer or the parent?

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(We have changed our name from CSAV360 to LaborAdvisors)

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